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Christians and Politics--Part Two

**This series is turning out to be longer than I originally intended; however, I believe it's important especially given the political climate in the United States right now.  Instead of running the political posts one right after the other, after today I will intersperse the series with my regular posts on authentic Christian living.  I promise this site won't turn into a political one!! **Also, all politicians are not bad.  (I should know, I'm married to a good one!) For the purposes of this series, I'm talking about those who twist the process to serve their own needs instead of the country's.  Christians and Politics -- how should we participate? In my last post, I detailed the reason  why  Christians should participate in politics--even in a politically contentious environment.  Today, I want to talk about how  we should participate. Because of my husband's job, I have a front row seat to the political goings-on in our state.  ...

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